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(3 edits) (+6)

The story line is great, the visual and music also nicely flows with it..

wes route has a cute ending, my favorite is remus and cedric but Idk how I feel about their route, a lot of mixed feelings and it feels like part of my mind still linger in peregrine.. their story is bittersweet yet flavourful even for a dense people like me.... 

You did a very wonderful job phibbean, You're awesome! I hope you'll continue creating VN in the future :)





ahh.. how I wish You'd make a sequel for  remus and cedric eh :')


How is luke's "good ending" suposed to go? I did his route but im not sure if i got the best ending 

anyone elses gallery just doesnt work? can someone send a pic of what its meant to look like?


Does anyone know how to get Remus' third ending? 

<<<<<S P O I L E R S>>>>>

The first two are the stay and leave options but I've heard there's actually a third one. 

did u discover it?

Just played those 2 routes haha


I think it's from choosing the same options that would get you into the Cedric route but not calling him. If you try to stay then Cedric makes you come out with him and then the ending proceeds as normal for the Leave option.

(1 edit)

is there a way to "save" cedric? i cant help but feel that was a bad ending for him we dont even get hints as to what happened to him

also while i did greatly enjoy this vn i think it was a bit of a shame the only intimate scene is with wes at least as far as ik

yes! all you need to do is to think hard about what is best for him( Cedric) and the message that the author wants to give us readers

the only thing that comes to mind is choosing to let him go wich sounds like its gonna lead to same result :T

Ehh, just be sure to talk through their problems the first time they meet in the fantasy world, even if Cedric doesn't like it at first.

There's one with Remus too... it's on a stage higher than it was with Wes *wink*


What can I say, this Vn has a little bit of everything: funny moments, moments of tension, adorable and beautiful moments, moments of drama and many references hahaha which makes you enjoy a lot and you don't get tired of playing, no matter what ending get, in my case it made me shed some tears, the endings left me with a feeling that I can't explain but it made all that time playing the VN worth it. Really an excellent job, both visual and sound were incredible.

This was... wow- just wow.
I loved every single bit of it, and Wes' ending was just perfection!
A really amazing visual novel :>

10/10 this game was like a emotional  rollercoaster. It's best to experienced  completely blind imo. I'm glad I found this hidden gem.


What's the bottom left cg and how do I get it?

(1 edit) (+1)


i get the themes you were going for but that doesnt make me less upset about how you did remus dirty... he and peregrine deserve a real good ending. i'd still stay with him, but... i wish he could have better.


One of the best visual novels I've ever played! A very nice, complete story, sprinkled with a cast of likable characters, atmospheric background music, lovely art, and filled with a serious dose of specific humor, that made me laugh a ton. It was a great experience that left me with a lasting impression - I know that I'll be thinking about this game for a long time.

Big congratulations  for the developer who (from what I can tell) pulled this whole game all by himself. If you're reading this, please, for the love of nachos, continue creating - you're very talented.


This visual novel has left such an impact on me. I'm not a very emotional person but I've grown to really care about all the characters in the story. I could see all the love and care that went into this novel and it really shows through. 

The soundtrack is amazing and really fits well; I had myself go listen to it in its' full length multiple times so far. The characters are all amazing and unique from each other. Kieran is such a great protagonist and I really enjoyed his character. All conversations seemed very genuine, and I enjoyed going through the game again and again. In my first playthrough, when I got to the end and the music started kicking in, I didn't want it to end. These last few days I've felt really hollow and wished this experience could've lasted longer. I can't wait to see what other projects you'll be making in the near future :3 .  


This novel is an absolute gem, a crown jewel even! Very highly recommend for anyone looking for a unique novel that can pack a punch.

It hits all the beats necessary for its plot, and does so in a very impressive manner for its size. The characters are lovable, unique, and equally as well-maintained. The settings are very well sculpted and really creative. On top of that, the writing is truly a spectacle in balancing comedy with an engaging story. And, of course, the main character is a joy to play through with; a star example of keeping the main character a character in their own right! 

This is truly an impressive and heart-filled game, well worth its weight in silicone. Thank you so much for all of your hard work, Phibbean! Please rest up well and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Your future endeavors have my ardent support :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Does Cedric have more than 1 ending?



I really enjoyed the game but for some reason the game keeps crashing when I go through Remus' route around the school scene. Does anyone else get the error?

not an error, just boot the game back up and it should pick up

I tried to boot it back and loaded the save and still the game crashed.

you shouldn't have to load a save, it should go straight into continuing 

(1 edit)

Does the bonus content come with the character animations in some sort of video file form?


You know a story is great when you're crying after the ending, knowing it is over. I hope we'll see more from you in the future Phibbean

Noooo!! I cried with the ending I got. Fuck, one of the  best written novels I've read in my life. Thank you so much. :')


As a college student who hope in the future,everything goes in his way, this VN leave a huge impact on me.


just finished wes' route. i dont think im in a place where i can really handle the message of this game and process it properly. fantasy is all i have, i dont have prospects and support like kieran. if i got that crown, i dont think it would be reasonable to expect me to give it up.


i think im gonna play remus tomorrow. i heard he has a staying in peregrine ending.

(1 edit) (+2)

I have 5 things to say
1) that title screen music is really perfectly fit, and also made me cry on boot up
2) i still feel Bad
3) [see below]

at least we get to be with him. at least we get to stay, for however long we do. at least we have something.
4) ced's next. tomorrow.
5) i wish remus could come with us, or we could find some other way to sustain peregrine. i feel like ive wronged him terribly. even if we stay behind together all but the castle is destroyed, all of that world he loves so much, gone. even those nice lesbians

(2 edits) (+1)

also ive sobbed my throat raw and my eyes dry and i cried so hard i threw up and im nowhere near done. i dont know how remus can not hate us in his ending. i hope the door is still in the castle, maybe we can still get out together, in time, maybe when the end draws nearer. turns out "too much escapism is bad" as a motif doesnt work when the reader is in need of not just escapism, but escape entirely

(1 edit) (+1)

i sobbed for 3 straight hours and now i just feel hollow. i want to go with remus

why couldnt he just come with us

(1 edit)

update: i dont think im going to get cedric's ending. i feel real crummy, and there are so many variables, i just, dont have it in me. maybe in a few... months... or if anyone wants to tell me what to do my discord is victoire#4364


of course, now that i think about it, maybe that's why it's in case of emergency.

the fantasy world cant be sustained because remus is using the crown wrong, one is meant to be only visiting, alongside a real life, escapism is a tool for coping with the real world, not a way out. if remus was living in the real world, he'd be experiencing new things to fuel the fantasies, and might not have this problem


im so sad rn 10/10 vn *insert crying here*

Excited, yet idk if it's just me but the sprites blinking and fidgeting kinda make it difficult (at least for me) to read the story and focus on the words. I don't know if it's like some kind of form of OCD or just ADHD but when you have four characters on screen all fidgeting it can get a little difficult to read the texts.

(2 edits) (+8)

Okay first of all this will contain slight spoilers.

I just wanna say that this visual novel is absolutely amazing and has really left a deep impression on me. Thank you so much Phibbean for creating such an incredible visual novel!!

It felt like a relatively short vn when you decide to play from start to end but that is definitely not a problem in my experience because it really felt very well paced. I absolutely love the main characters we get to know them very well throughout the story and Kieran as a protagonist is actually very enjoyable to be along side with (as a reader). You get to see him develop as a person slowly throughout the playthrough and by the end he is much more mature now, for better or worse. I actually really love those different personalities being part of the gameplay. It really spices things up from your typical visual novel formula by, like as said in the description, giving you the choice of what you want the main protagonist's personality to be. I think this was intentional but there's this part of the story in a specific route where the game just terminates itself as a form of plot device which I find absolutely genius that was absolutely cool!

// Slightly more spoilery section //

On a narrative standpoint, this multiple personality gameplay is actually a genius way of encapsulating an aspect about Kieran. The way I interpret it, this gameplay describes his fantasies or more specifically, his search for the ideal Kieran. At the start of the game he's really struggling at finding out who he wants to be and as the player, you get to choose the Kieran you want to be. By choosing the "fantasies," you get to choose how Kieran wants his ideal self to be. I'm much more convinced by this during the ending where you no longer see any choices that affect the multiple personality gameplay which I find to be a sign that Kieran got to find a "him" that he is content with and he gets to leave his little "male chad" "king of the nerds" etc fantasies behind. What I'm trying to say is: very creative gameplay that ties very well into the story is one of this vn's best selling points.

Now for the routes oh boy. When I played this vn last may it felt like I needed a phd in psychology and human studies to even land on a route. Earlier when continuing to the end it still felt like it but I definitely knew more on what I'm doing so I got through the "unique" endings of 3/4 of the datable characters. The difficulty in landing on the routes/endings just drove home the fact that your choices really matter in this game (even if some of the right choices might throw people off).

My favorite among the bunch was definitely Cedric so I went for his route first. His route was definitely the hardest to "start" sort of because of some of the choices you have to pick but oh man I definitely fell in love with him and his ending.. it's so fucking bittersweet it actually hurts. Second route I picked was Remus'. His ending is by far the saddest out of them all which was further amplified by the music they used it just felt like a knife being stabbed into my chest and twisted around slowly and painfully.. it was a deppressing ending if you couldn't tell 🙄. Now lastly I went for Wes and somehow I got his ending on my second try when I heard that there was this bug in the game thay made his ending extremely hard to get. It was definitely the least sad among the bunch and more on the hopeful side which I LOVE like I desperately needed a break from the other two. I haven't done Luke's yet because I'm pretty tired from doing forensic analysis on the different choices to make to get the "unique" endings for three different routes. But to sum it up, all routes were absolutely amazing, their respective characters got really great character arcs and the resolutions for all of them felt very satisfying despite a lot of them not being such a "happy" ending.

TLDR: Very polished game (absolutely love the sprite work), amazing and somewhat short yet greatly-paced story, well developed characters, and a creative gameplay addition to the typical visual novel formula. Just a very amazing visual novel 

11/10 I would highly recommend!!!!

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Hi! You can donate by clicking Download Now and paying through the pop-up window. Once you do, you should be taken to a link with all the available downloads, including the zip file with the bonus content.

(1 edit) (-2)

wow holy shiz, The game keeps "crashing" neaar the end of he game... or maybe that is the end

edit, Nope, Apparently I need to close the window first to contiue

does cedrics's route actually have a good ending:( ???

(1 edit) (+5)

I just finished all the routes and endings, and…wow. there were a lot of parts where I was worried a storyline wouldn’t make a smooth landing or feel rushed, but the story immediately put my worries to rest. The characters are all so well written,the protagonist is actually enjoyable as a character, the humor is perfect for me too i would be crying one moment and laughing the next,and the none-linearity added so much replay value. This is probably my favorite FVN I’ve played, and I can’t wait to see more works from you in the future!!

(1 edit)

Does anyone have a guide for Cedric and Wess good endings where they stay with us? PLEASE I'M DESPERATE TT....TT

(1 edit)

Wait... there's an ending where Wes didn't stay with you?

Edit: Oh yeah

(1 edit) (+1)

(Slight Spoilers?)// …man. the staying with Remus ending is just….i need to lie down for a sec what was THAT?!


it was so sad but I was wondering if there's a possibility for him to go outside peregrine because a choice kinda half implied there would be if you picked the right choices I just wanna see it happen T-T


Well, I guess that's it.

I want to express my sincere gratitude to Phibbean for his story, which became one of the few that really touched me. I have been here since August, and the year of waiting was worth it. 

The whole plot was much deeper than most of *slice of life* VNs, mundane and empty for me. Themes of growing up, taking responsibility and facing reality are greatly described, just as problem of escapism. 100k words of well-developed characters and intriguing plot are incredible amount of work, which I won't disregard.

So again, thanks for devotion to your project, and hope to see more works from you.


in the end the dildo are the treasure all along


Does anyone have a guide for the two main endings on each route?

does anyone have a guide for wes route or any hints? i cant get the ending where you stay with him


Whoops. I think you found this build's major game-breaking bug. Fixing now


i gues i can be any specie i want in it even human

did i do something wrong, wes? ced? ;w; remus?

(2 edits)

i still cant believe cedric all but said

he outgrew us ;w;

well now i feel Bad

(1 edit) (+1)

Maaan im pretty sure ive gotten most character interactions and just fuck wes and cedric 😭😭 luke is the only one who i hope has happy outcomes

the cliff hanger... I wish I could stay with him tho T_T

Estoy desepcionado si el juego termina así 😑


None of the routes have endings right now. Everything will be continued and finished in the next and final update.

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