I decided to come back to this almost a year later, and good god, that writing is still amazing. Cedric route just has hit after hit. Relatable struggles fill the whole game, but I wanted to cry at the Cedric leaves ending. It's such a complicated but sweet relationship, it feels like the true end, but there's just such high quality across the board, you can say that about almost any of the endings. (They're all great! Just that some spoiler-y ones like staying with Remus are fairly unlikely. But at the same time, when you go through the route leading up to it, it makes sense y'know? So like from Kieran as a general character/concept, probably not, but for Kieran and co. from that timeline it makes sense?) Idk. I just knew that there was a good reason I kept this downloaded instead of deleted once I finished the main route(s) of the characters I was most interested in. Cedric, as he develops, just feels so real, vulnerable, and just indescribable. I feel their dynamic as best friends who grew up together, the awkwardness of trying to make things work, and how in some routes that awkwardness and tension ultimately remains. It's unfortunate but realistic that Kieran and the whole rest of the gang don't really stay in touch in any of the routes.
I like how the end of Cedric's route even goes into interesting details like how they had lasting trauma after y'know almost dying, something many VNs don't really acknowledge.
Cedric and Kieran's final scene on his route also just hurts. It's sweet and there's some hope, there's some stuff there, but there's also pieces that let the reader decide for themselves if they think anything will come out of all of this. Thematically, perhaps not. But there's that flare of hope, that beacon I simply must reach out towards. Maybe that's just my own remnants of hope for a clean future that saves us. One that Cedric denies exists.
That's one of the interesting things about him, he's constantly changing and you see that especially on his route. He struggles with his own self worth and personhood to an extent and there's just so much there to dig into, it's absolutely amazing.
Almost a year later, and this still holds up fantastically. Hope you're doing well out there wherever you are, despite the not very active Twitter.
I just finished some of the routes and damn… What lovely storytelling! Kudos to the author, you really made my heart move multiple times throughout the novel. I love the character design so much, it’s so pleasant to look at. This is easily one of the top-tier VNs out there! Looking forward if ever you have more in store for us, author!
I've only just started, but had to get something off my chest early, there's a snap to the dialogue which feels very Catch-22 and I am all about that. It's provoking some very fond memories of the multiple reads I've had of it!
Anyone got a wind of what the author is currently working on? the latest update of them was from September last year and absolute silence eversince. Hope they are doing fine, this is some of the best work I have read on this site.
Having finished this VN several months ago I still find myself pondering it fondly from time to time. I found myself in the unfortunate position of discovering the project after it's completion, and as such was unable to reabsorb the story multiple times as it was updated. The characters and their motivations are intriguing, the story thought provoking and the art oh so easy on the eyes. Reminds me strongly of Michael Crichton's novel Timeline, they both share many similarities but the most glaring of all being they're both criminally under rated and oft unheard of. "In Case of Emergency" is a fantastic piece of work and I hope more people like myself stumble across it and enjoy it as well.
Definitely one of the best VNs i've read. Funny, endearing, real and dramatic. Loved the soundtrack, especially the main theme and the credits song. Also Luke, my beloved funny cat.
this game is everything i could ask for in a visual novel. some meta-level morality coming across in both story and mechanics. the writer clearly understands how the context of the medium affects the story. plenty of intellegent humor. the mechanics working with and against the morals to tell a story more true to (my experience of) reality than any FVN before.
One route down and and just left in that hollowed state after finishing a good book. Fantastic writing which leaves food for thought in how we treat our own lives and passing the days away.
Thank you for telling this story and I look forward to going through the rest of the routes.
I hope to see more of your work in the future if you plan on doing a sequel or something new entirely!
Fuuuuck man, Cedric's route destroyed me. First, it was him staying in Peregrine, and like, having no choive but leave him there hit me so hard, for a reason i cannot comprehend...
And then, in denial (and tears), I say 'fuck it' and go back in hope to find a better ending...
Well, I did find it. Cedric coming back was lovely to see. (...) and then he says hes leaving for good. On a life trip to the other side of the country. Like, yeah, i understand, he has to do that, but damm... it still hurts.
Its such a bittersweet ending... but nonetheless a great one. (Both, imo)
All I wanted to do through the second ending was hug Cedric and never let him go. But he has to go.
aaaaa my heaaart!! I can only hope him and Kieran never gets separated again...
oooh man youre in bad luck, was so long ago i already forgot. I do remember it being really hard to find tho lol. I think it has something to do with not playing swords with him at the start
Damn... I've only gotten two endings thus far, but... it hits so hard. I'm still crying, damnit. I love this game, I love the characters, and it hurts me to know that I won't get more content than what already exists here.
This is freaking awesome. Quickly became my absolute favorite game I've ever played... I... damn. I need to go cry into a pillow now...
Also, I'm just a little sad my favorite character doesn't have a romance route...
This is such a good game, thank you so much for your amazing work. I'm going to keep these characters in my heart and try to not let it break...
I like that he try to live his life with main character (i forget how was his name) and he was so brave to say that for his father. (I'm proud for that i got him first)
And another with Cedric and he decided to be in that world (i almost cry at that moment)
Need to get ending with Lynx and try to find way with Cedric to get him in Real world (i think that there another end with him)
And k don't know what end will be whith that Lynx (and yeah, i got some screenshots when the main character got dildo in his had and brake the 4-th wall, it's quite fuuny how they all standings like this, like Wes i think that he try to say "w*f where did you get this", and Cedric "Man... Put that thing down...")
I really like to play this game and sometime i got a b*ner just reading that kind of stuff (maybe just because i was a roleplayer)
All my doubts when this was in early development have been dispelled. I am clawing for where I must have erred, but that is the beauty of this VN. No matter how bleak things become and the darkness may rage, there is always a light, but one must know how to make it out. One must really know how to navigate the void, in order to find even the light's brightest spot. For that I will not give up and will keep trying to get the ending that I want, but wanting means nothing if I don't earn it. For me I always want to earn what I want, for nothing is free, and all have free will, so one must work for it.
If there's a word above adore, I don't know it. I tear up every time I reached the ending. I looked at the gallery for the kiss with Cedric and I teared up.
I have no clue how to express the severity of pissed off that I've reached. I love this one so much that it nearly broke my heart. I fell for Remus pretty quickly even if it left me in tears. I certainly enjoyed Wes and Cedrik! This was a true masterpiece it nearly breaks my heart to know it's finished.
Your game is maybe one of the greatest game I played in my life. I've just finish two of the ending with Cedrik and I just couldn't stop crying since. I think I just find a to much of myself in both Kieran and Cedric, in which I'm the loner who can't make friends but also nearly always depend on my only true friend, I've had friends that I just stop talking to and don't even know if they will ever want to talk to me again and I've been trying to escape life with fantasies I can make up in my head or by playing video games. Seeing the end might just have broke me. Just thinking about it still make want to cry. It's pretty hard for a video game to make me sad until I at least tear up a little but this game might have reach a whole other level if it made me cry that much, I think I might have never played or experience something that felt so close to me personaly that it made me feel that much different emotions. Sadness ? Envy ? Hope ? I don't know and I actually don't know I even want to know. I'd like to thank you for bringing this game in this world even if a part of me wish I didn't play if I knew just how much sadness could be brought upon me.
Stunning! Seldom do I leave reviews for games like this but I was so pleasantly surprised by this one that I have to. The writing and prose are some of the strongest I've seen in any FVN, the pacing is breakneck without ever feeling rushed and the narrative strikes a wonderful balance between emotional and comedic-I was simultaneously moved and audibly giggling all the way through and that seldom happens with visual novels that attempt humour. The characters are really strong and their individual struggles and personalities are conveyed wonderfully in the few hours the game takes to complete-especially Kieran, whose goofy demeanour made for a refreshing change of pace from the typical muted/blank-slate protagonist. I'll eagerly be on the lookout for any future projects of yours.
This was unlike any VN I have played. It was excellent on so many different levels from the art to the wonderful storytelling. Couldn't recommend enough.
Really enjoyed this whole story and some of the surprising variations on how the endings can go based on choices earlier. Big fan of having friendship routes available in addition to the romantic ones too.
Spoilers below:
I particularly like that you can't choose to stay in Peregrine if you've fixed your friendship with Cedric but otherwise chosen the Remus path, because Cedric drags you out. Pretty much a reversal of the same situation in his own ending where it's based on how well you've handled your friendship / relationship as well.
This VN, just… wow. All I can say is that I’m left wounded by reading it. It is so bittersweet, and beautiful. Cedric really hurt me deep. I felt the pain of Kieran while reading the route.
Besides that, the writing was on point. But I got lost, there was a problem with the flow of the story, but passing that… I’m just… Pained by it.
Which one? The one that he stays or the one that he leaves? I can’t say it any less vague, or I will spoil the ending a bit.
I have seen the one where he stays, the one that he leaves, but not the other one that people call… Too far away. I guess that would be the worst ending.
I do not know why, but all “good” endings, leave the feeling of bittersweet.
A bittersweet ending is more realistic to how life is...that's why it hurts. Perhaps Kieran and Cedric will meet again someday and move in together; maybe later they'll even get married. The future is up to your imagination
I know, and thank you for clarifying that.
But, the game is anything but realistic… to some extent. There are realistic parts of it, but I will say that realism. Doesn’t apply to the whole story. Anyway, I understand that for the terms of their relations from their endings. Not everyone has a path already build. We follow the unknown in the world, so I can accept that the endings are bittersweet.
Life is full of unknown paths that we have to explore. And not all of them end in a happy and loving relations. Some lead to problems with family, others lead to fights, even death. For that, I do appreciate that their relations aren’t fully developed after their travels. And so… that is my point of view in this case.
Very well put. Life rarely goes to plan, and no one really knows what will happen. The bittersweet conclusion doesn't force a happy ending or a tragic one, but one of uncertainty and room for the unknown. It's easy to long for unrealistic stories because stories themselves are often used to escape from the brutality of the real world.
Major Spoilers:
That's the moral of In Case of Emergency. Peregrine seduces the characters with its promises of adventure and freedom, but in reality, it's a shackle holding them to a false world. Escapism can be enticing to those who need it most, but it's never as pure as it makes itself out to be. In the end, they all realize that it's foolish to abandon reality for superficial happiness.
You never know what happens to the characters, just as you never know what tomorrow may bring. I've played through every path, every story in this game. There's a sort of peace at the end of each so-called "good ending". Although we will never know what becomes of Luke, Cedric, Wesley, Remus, or Kieran, it's a pleasant thought that maybe, just maybe, things will be alright.
Like you said, life will always have many differing paths and conclusions. Not everything will end in happiness or love, and more times than not, it won't. It would be naive of me to see the world in black and white. Remus was not evil for doing what he did, nor was he a savior or hero of any sort. He was a complicated old man who lived a life of fantasy for so long that he had forgotten the truth.
All of them learn different life lessons at the end of their paths. Wesley realizes that he can't keep living his life for others, not allowing himself to make any decisions for himself or be free. Cedric learns to let go of all the ideals and meanings he tries to force himself to conform to. Luke discovers that not everything in life will have a solution or some sort of magic to repair it. Sometimes you just have to go with things and live in the moment.
Anyway, I know I probably seem insane for taking the time to write this much, but I enjoy to have discussions like this with people. Some of the best conversations to be had are with those you'll most likely never see or know. Thank you for taking the time to read this, your willingness to converse with people in such detail is admirable.
Just finished this game. What a great read. It's enjoyable and i love Kieran's personality.
Spoiler Alert
Honestly though, i wish it's longer like other VNs, like the entire week before the adventure or even during the adventure will help developing the characters and make me even more attached to them. Like, Remus' betrayal (and defeat) just made me went oh okay because i didn't really... care for him. Same goes with other characters like Wes, Cedric, and Luke. Don't get me wrong, i love them and their void-fantasy and good ending made me sad and smile (especially Wes' route. God i love that tiger man) and it sticks in my head for a few days but i wish there's... more chances and scenes to made their route even more impactful to me/players.
That's my only complain, but i still love this game. Wes best boy. Baby i love you so much.
Also i don't think Cedric's (good) end is as sad as people says. Cedric said he promise to keep in contact with Kieran and even give him 'green light' about their relationship. It sucks he's going away for a while sure, but it's not the end of their relationship. I can still picture a scene of Cedric growing more confident and ready for Kieran after few years which lead to them getting married. Like, it's still really possible in his good end lol.
Okay so I have a question but I need to do a spoiler tag:
What's the track you used for when Keiran and whoever jumps after him into the Void are climbing out of it? It's the one right before the confrontation with Remus.
To get romance, click the choices with hearts for the character you want. To get friendship, pick choices that the character you choice will like
Choose to talk to Cedric instead of fighting him, and don't choose the "did you?" choice when talking to him by the campfire if you want his good ending.
If you don't get to know Luke, Cedric, or Wes, you'll end up with Remus. Remus has romance and friendship options as well but he always refuses to go back to the real world with the mc (Kieran). Luke has no romance ending.
After playing every ending of every character, all CGs will be shown in the gallery.
← Return to game
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I decided to come back to this almost a year later, and good god, that writing is still amazing. Cedric route just has hit after hit. Relatable struggles fill the whole game, but I wanted to cry at the Cedric leaves ending. It's such a complicated but sweet relationship, it feels like the true end, but there's just such high quality across the board, you can say that about almost any of the endings. (They're all great! Just that some spoiler-y ones like staying with Remus are fairly unlikely. But at the same time, when you go through the route leading up to it, it makes sense y'know? So like from Kieran as a general character/concept, probably not, but for Kieran and co. from that timeline it makes sense?) Idk. I just knew that there was a good reason I kept this downloaded instead of deleted once I finished the main route(s) of the characters I was most interested in. Cedric, as he develops, just feels so real, vulnerable, and just indescribable. I feel their dynamic as best friends who grew up together, the awkwardness of trying to make things work, and how in some routes that awkwardness and tension ultimately remains. It's unfortunate but realistic that Kieran and the whole rest of the gang don't really stay in touch in any of the routes.
I like how the end of Cedric's route even goes into interesting details like how they had lasting trauma after y'know almost dying, something many VNs don't really acknowledge.
Cedric and Kieran's final scene on his route also just hurts. It's sweet and there's some hope, there's some stuff there, but there's also pieces that let the reader decide for themselves if they think anything will come out of all of this. Thematically, perhaps not. But there's that flare of hope, that beacon I simply must reach out towards. Maybe that's just my own remnants of hope for a clean future that saves us. One that Cedric denies exists.
That's one of the interesting things about him, he's constantly changing and you see that especially on his route. He struggles with his own self worth and personhood to an extent and there's just so much there to dig into, it's absolutely amazing.
Almost a year later, and this still holds up fantastically. Hope you're doing well out there wherever you are, despite the not very active Twitter.
10/10 i am deeply sad and relate to every character
Does anyone know how to get the NSFW Scenes to work, I just get a black screen with text even though I have the option turned on
oh theres no nsfw cg lol
I just finished some of the routes and damn… What lovely storytelling! Kudos to the author, you really made my heart move multiple times throughout the novel. I love the character design so much, it’s so pleasant to look at. This is easily one of the top-tier VNs out there! Looking forward if ever you have more in store for us, author!
I've only just started, but had to get something off my chest early, there's a snap to the dialogue which feels very Catch-22 and I am all about that. It's provoking some very fond memories of the multiple reads I've had of it!
Anyone got a wind of what the author is currently working on? the latest update of them was from September last year and absolute silence eversince. Hope they are doing fine, this is some of the best work I have read on this site.
Author made a single retweet in April, still no idea what they are currently doing, but at least, not dead.
Its been months and im STILL occasionally sobbing over the remus endings
Having finished this VN several months ago I still find myself pondering it fondly from time to time. I found myself in the unfortunate position of discovering the project after it's completion, and as such was unable to reabsorb the story multiple times as it was updated. The characters and their motivations are intriguing, the story thought provoking and the art oh so easy on the eyes. Reminds me strongly of Michael Crichton's novel Timeline, they both share many similarities but the most glaring of all being they're both criminally under rated and oft unheard of. "In Case of Emergency" is a fantastic piece of work and I hope more people like myself stumble across it and enjoy it as well.
Definitely one of the best VNs i've read. Funny, endearing, real and dramatic. Loved the soundtrack, especially the main theme and the credits song. Also Luke, my beloved funny cat.
this game is everything i could ask for in a visual novel. some meta-level morality coming across in both story and mechanics. the writer clearly understands how the context of the medium affects the story. plenty of intellegent humor. the mechanics working with and against the morals to tell a story more true to (my experience of) reality than any FVN before.
Just wondering is There a guide on how to get all cg and also if all nsfw scenes are going to be text only or are there pictures
One route down and and just left in that hollowed state after finishing a good book. Fantastic writing which leaves food for thought in how we treat our own lives and passing the days away.
Thank you for telling this story and I look forward to going through the rest of the routes.
I hope to see more of your work in the future if you plan on doing a sequel or something new entirely!
Fuuuuck man, Cedric's route destroyed me. First, it was him staying in Peregrine, and like, having no choive but leave him there hit me so hard, for a reason i cannot comprehend...
And then, in denial (and tears), I say 'fuck it' and go back in hope to find a better ending...
Well, I did find it. Cedric coming back was lovely to see. (...) and then he says hes leaving for good. On a life trip to the other side of the country. Like, yeah, i understand, he has to do that, but damm... it still hurts.
Its such a bittersweet ending... but nonetheless a great one. (Both, imo)
All I wanted to do through the second ending was hug Cedric and never let him go. But he has to go.
aaaaa my heaaart!! I can only hope him and Kieran never gets separated again...
May I ask you how did you find that route? I don't know what do I need for reach it
oooh man youre in bad luck, was so long ago i already forgot. I do remember it being really hard to find tho lol. I think it has something to do with not playing swords with him at the start
yup, I was right
I love Luke
The irony in this game is... well, ironic.
Damn... I've only gotten two endings thus far, but... it hits so hard. I'm still crying, damnit. I love this game, I love the characters, and it hurts me to know that I won't get more content than what already exists here.
This is freaking awesome. Quickly became my absolute favorite game I've ever played... I... damn. I need to go cry into a pillow now...
Also, I'm just a little sad my favorite character doesn't have a romance route...
This is such a good game, thank you so much for your amazing work. I'm going to keep these characters in my heart and try to not let it break...
Today i got two endings.
One with Wes and it was soo cute 🤩
I like that he try to live his life with main character (i forget how was his name) and he was so brave to say that for his father. (I'm proud for that i got him first)
And another with Cedric and he decided to be in that world (i almost cry at that moment)
Need to get ending with Lynx and try to find way with Cedric to get him in Real world (i think that there another end with him)
And k don't know what end will be whith that Lynx (and yeah, i got some screenshots when the main character got dildo in his had and brake the 4-th wall, it's quite fuuny how they all standings like this, like Wes i think that he try to say "w*f where did you get this", and Cedric "Man... Put that thing down...")
I really like to play this game and sometime i got a b*ner just reading that kind of stuff (maybe just because i was a roleplayer)
Really really good work!
Thank you for your good visual novele!
for the last two pleaseeeeeeee
All my doubts when this was in early development have been dispelled. I am clawing for where I must have erred, but that is the beauty of this VN. No matter how bleak things become and the darkness may rage, there is always a light, but one must know how to make it out. One must really know how to navigate the void, in order to find even the light's brightest spot. For that I will not give up and will keep trying to get the ending that I want, but wanting means nothing if I don't earn it. For me I always want to earn what I want, for nothing is free, and all have free will, so one must work for it.
why is this genuinely.
If there's a word above adore, I don't know it. I tear up every time I reached the ending. I looked at the gallery for the kiss with Cedric and I teared up.
*Sigh* I wish Remus could come with us TvT
Hey how can I get the last image of Remus?
I have no clue how to express the severity of pissed off that I've reached. I love this one so much that it nearly broke my heart. I fell for Remus pretty quickly even if it left me in tears. I certainly enjoyed Wes and Cedrik! This was a true masterpiece it nearly breaks my heart to know it's finished.
Your game is maybe one of the greatest game I played in my life. I've just finish two of the ending with Cedrik and I just couldn't stop crying since. I think I just find a to much of myself in both Kieran and Cedric, in which I'm the loner who can't make friends but also nearly always depend on my only true friend, I've had friends that I just stop talking to and don't even know if they will ever want to talk to me again and I've been trying to escape life with fantasies I can make up in my head or by playing video games. Seeing the end might just have broke me. Just thinking about it still make want to cry. It's pretty hard for a video game to make me sad until I at least tear up a little but this game might have reach a whole other level if it made me cry that much, I think I might have never played or experience something that felt so close to me personaly that it made me feel that much different emotions. Sadness ? Envy ? Hope ? I don't know and I actually don't know I even want to know. I'd like to thank you for bringing this game in this world even if a part of me wish I didn't play if I knew just how much sadness could be brought upon me.
Stunning! Seldom do I leave reviews for games like this but I was so pleasantly surprised by this one that I have to. The writing and prose are some of the strongest I've seen in any FVN, the pacing is breakneck without ever feeling rushed and the narrative strikes a wonderful balance between emotional and comedic-I was simultaneously moved and audibly giggling all the way through and that seldom happens with visual novels that attempt humour. The characters are really strong and their individual struggles and personalities are conveyed wonderfully in the few hours the game takes to complete-especially Kieran, whose goofy demeanour made for a refreshing change of pace from the typical muted/blank-slate protagonist. I'll eagerly be on the lookout for any future projects of yours.
This game has to be one of the best story games I have every played, the endings were satisfying and maybe me emotional heh. 10/10 game
Side note:
I wish there were more art scenes throughout the stories but other than that perfect
I take it the game is finished? But it will be updated to improve?
Are their multiple endings
Different ones for each character, and variations on them depending on choices made.
is the game finished or still in development?
It's finished
This was unlike any VN I have played. It was excellent on so many different levels from the art to the wonderful storytelling. Couldn't recommend enough.
Really enjoyed this whole story and some of the surprising variations on how the endings can go based on choices earlier. Big fan of having friendship routes available in addition to the romantic ones too.
Spoilers below:
I particularly like that you can't
choose to stay in Peregrine if you've fixed your friendship with Cedric but otherwise chosen the Remus path, because Cedric drags you out. Pretty much a reversal of the same situation in his own ending where it's based on how well you've handled your friendship / relationship as well.This VN, just… wow. All I can say is that I’m left wounded by reading it. It is so bittersweet, and beautiful. Cedric really hurt me deep. I felt the pain of Kieran while reading the route.
Besides that, the writing was on point. But I got lost, there was a problem with the flow of the story, but passing that… I’m just… Pained by it.
Did you get to his good ending? It's a lot less painful
Which one? The one that he stays or the one that he leaves? I can’t say it any less vague, or I will spoil the ending a bit.
I have seen the one where he stays, the one that he leaves, but not the other one that people call… Too far away. I guess that would be the worst ending.
I do not know why, but all “good” endings, leave the feeling of bittersweet.
Apologies if this spoils anything for someone
A bittersweet ending is more realistic to how life is...that's why it hurts. Perhaps Kieran and Cedric will meet again someday and move in together; maybe later they'll even get married. The future is up to your imagination
I know, and thank you for clarifying that. But, the game is anything but realistic… to some extent. There are realistic parts of it, but I will say that realism. Doesn’t apply to the whole story. Anyway, I understand that for the terms of their relations from their endings. Not everyone has a path already build. We follow the unknown in the world, so I can accept that the endings are bittersweet.
Life is full of unknown paths that we have to explore. And not all of them end in a happy and loving relations. Some lead to problems with family, others lead to fights, even death. For that, I do appreciate that their relations aren’t fully developed after their travels. And so… that is my point of view in this case.
Very well put. Life rarely goes to plan, and no one really knows what will happen. The bittersweet conclusion doesn't force a happy ending or a tragic one, but one of uncertainty and room for the unknown. It's easy to long for unrealistic stories because stories themselves are often used to escape from the brutality of the real world.
Major Spoilers:
That's the moral of In Case of Emergency. Peregrine seduces the characters with its promises of adventure and freedom, but in reality, it's a shackle holding them to a false world. Escapism can be enticing to those who need it most, but it's never as pure as it makes itself out to be. In the end, they all realize that it's foolish to abandon reality for superficial happiness.
You never know what happens to the characters, just as you never know what tomorrow may bring. I've played through every path, every story in this game. There's a sort of peace at the end of each so-called "good ending". Although we will never know what becomes of Luke, Cedric, Wesley, Remus, or Kieran, it's a pleasant thought that maybe, just maybe, things will be alright.
Like you said, life will always have many differing paths and conclusions. Not everything will end in happiness or love, and more times than not, it won't. It would be naive of me to see the world in black and white. Remus was not evil for doing what he did, nor was he a savior or hero of any sort. He was a complicated old man who lived a life of fantasy for so long that he had forgotten the truth.
All of them learn different life lessons at the end of their paths. Wesley realizes that he can't keep living his life for others, not allowing himself to make any decisions for himself or be free. Cedric learns to let go of all the ideals and meanings he tries to force himself to conform to. Luke discovers that not everything in life will have a solution or some sort of magic to repair it. Sometimes you just have to go with things and live in the moment.
Anyway, I know I probably seem insane for taking the time to write this much, but I enjoy to have discussions like this with people. Some of the best conversations to be had are with those you'll most likely never see or know. Thank you for taking the time to read this, your willingness to converse with people in such detail is admirable.
In case of emergency:
Just finished this game. What a great read. It's enjoyable and i love Kieran's personality.
Spoiler Alert
Honestly though, i wish it's longer like other VNs, like the entire week before the adventure or even during the adventure will help developing the characters and make me even more attached to them. Like, Remus' betrayal (and defeat) just made me went oh okay because i didn't really... care for him. Same goes with other characters like Wes, Cedric, and Luke. Don't get me wrong, i love them and their void-fantasy and good ending made me sad and smile (especially Wes' route. God i love that tiger man) and it sticks in my head for a few days but i wish there's... more chances and scenes to made their route even more impactful to me/players.
That's my only complain, but i still love this game. Wes best boy. Baby i love you so much.
Also i don't think Cedric's (good) end is as sad as people says. Cedric said he promise to keep in contact with Kieran and even give him 'green light' about their relationship. It sucks he's going away for a while sure, but it's not the end of their relationship. I can still picture a scene of Cedric growing more confident and ready for Kieran after few years which lead to them getting married. Like, it's still really possible in his good end lol.
Okay so I have a question but I need to do a spoiler tag:
What's the track you used for when Keiran and whoever jumps after him into the Void are climbing out of it? It's the one right before the confrontation with Remus.
Can yall give Me some Guide please
To get romance, click the choices with hearts for the character you want. To get friendship, pick choices that the character you choice will like
Choose to talk to Cedric instead of fighting him, and don't choose the "did you?" choice when talking to him by the campfire if you want his good ending.
If you don't get to know Luke, Cedric, or Wes, you'll end up with Remus. Remus has romance and friendship options as well but he always refuses to go back to the real world with the mc (Kieran). Luke has no romance ending.
After playing every ending of every character, all CGs will be shown in the gallery.
Does anyone know how to get to Cedric good ending where
He rides with you to your sister wedding
Instead of sparing with Cedric talk to him, it gets you negative points at first, but you get more positive points after the talk.
he asks for the good ending not the way to enter the route
When you're talking to him by the campfire, make sure not to choose the "did you?" choice.
Thank you I got the ending